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The implementation of contract BG05M9OP001-1.003-1935-C01 "New opportunities for economic activity in PMU" under the Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2014-2020 started in Julu 2017.

PMU Jsc. will give unemployed and inactive people the chance to find their worthy work place and develop in a successful and dynamic team with new skills. The accumulated experience and knowledge within 12 months of subsidized employment will increase the self - esteem of the unemployed and will facilitate them in subsequent job search. By recruiting new people to sustainable jobs and their specialized training, the company will expand its market share and increase its competitiveness with new and creative employees. This will allow the company to participate and compete in more and larger projects in the coming years. It is envisaged at a later stage that some of the employees who will remain in permanent jobs in the company should be qualified in other activities at the company's expense, thus giving them a chance for career development and growth.
The objectives set in the project proposal are directly related to the implementation of investment priority 1 and investment priority 3 of the HRD OP 2014-2020. All planned activities will help to improve the knowledge and skills of the target group's representatives, motivate them to cultivate self-perfection and prevent exclusion.

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